Verification and Validation

Überprüfung und Nachweis     Scope We use verification & validation (i.e. V&V) as an independent process to check whether products or services, processes and roles, or even entire systems meet customer requirements and, moreover, fulfill their intended purpose. We achieve this by systematically using an automated V&V process to identify relevant information in advance…

30y anniversary of MEMS semiconductors

Piezoelectric Silicon Sensors & Actuators     HighTech experience that counts This project list contains a selection of projects that demonstrate our profound, long-term experience in product development and management of more complex technology projects in high-tech industries, namely in the areas of: Sensors & Actuators, MEMS & Semiconductor Manufacturing, including the semiconductor industry, as…

Hannover Messe 2021

#HM21 Digital Edition   Welcome to HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition “HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition is the leading knowledge and networking platform for the manufacturing, energy and logistics industries. From AI and robotics to automation technology, logistics IT and industrial software to batteries and fuel cells: Under the guiding theme “Industrial Transformation”, industry thought leaders present…

European GAIA-X initiative

The next generation European data infrastructure   The European GAIA-X project is dedicated to building a networked data infrastructure. The promise is high: data sovereignty, data availability and innovation. Always with a view from the European perspective and a blinking eye across the Atlantic. So much for the politicians’ vision! But what does this look…

Best of Xing Pulse Tech 2020

XING Puls Digitalisierung Köln & Tech Düsseldorf   Top 3 XING Puls Events 2020 Am 8. Dezember 2020 fand das Weihnachtsspecial der XING Puls – Digitalisierung Community Köln und Tech Community Düsseldorf in einer virtuellen Runde mit einem Weihnachtsspecial statt. Es wurden die drei Favoriten aus 2020 zum Themenwichteln eingeladen mit anschließenden Q&A-Diskussionsrunden und virtuellem…