E-world 2024

E-world2024 Energy & Water Industry   Europe´s Leading trade fair for the energy industry “E-world energy & water is the meeting place for the European energy industry. Exhibitors from all over the world present sustainable technologies and intelligent services for the future of energy. Around one fifth of the exhibiting companies are headquartered abroad. The…

Maintenance Messe Dortmund

Leitmesse für industrielle Instandhaltung   “Die maintenance in Dortmund ist die führende Geschäftsplattform der Instandhaltung. Sie ist eine etablierte Bühne für Innovationen und Trends und zugleich ein hochkarätiges Informationszentrum der gesamten Branche. Mit ihrer umfangreichen Angebotspalette überzeugt die maintenance Unternehmen und Experten aus der Instandhaltung sowie Anwender aus allen relevanten Industriezweigen. Hier trifft sich jährlich…

Hannover Messe 2021

#HM21 Digital Edition   Welcome to HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition “HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition is the leading knowledge and networking platform for the manufacturing, energy and logistics industries. From AI and robotics to automation technology, logistics IT and industrial software to batteries and fuel cells: Under the guiding theme “Industrial Transformation”, industry thought leaders present…

European GAIA-X initiative

The next generation European data infrastructure   The European GAIA-X project is dedicated to building a networked data infrastructure. The promise is high: data sovereignty, data availability and innovation. Always with a view from the European perspective and a blinking eye across the Atlantic. So much for the politicians’ vision! But what does this look…

Best of Xing Pulse Tech 2020

XING Puls Digitalisierung Köln & Tech Düsseldorf   Top 3 XING Puls Events 2020 Am 8. Dezember 2020 fand das Weihnachtsspecial der XING Puls – Digitalisierung Community Köln und Tech Community Düsseldorf in einer virtuellen Runde mit einem Weihnachtsspecial statt. Es wurden die drei Favoriten aus 2020 zum Themenwichteln eingeladen mit anschließenden Q&A-Diskussionsrunden und virtuellem…

Machine Learning in Industry

ML Operations and ML for Manufacturing   Virtual Meetup on May 14 with the following speakers: Simon Müller: insights into NEA-X‘s approach and use-cases on “Machine learning for manufacturing shop floors” Kevin Stumpf from San Francisco based startup Tecton tecton.ai and their approach on: “ML operations”   Speaker Bios www.meetup.com/de-DE/Aachen-Machine-Learning-Meetup/events/270354872 ML for manufacturing “Simon Müller…

18th Years Anniversary

Deep Tech innovations   “The underlying intellectual property of deep tech innovations is usually well-protected and hard to reproduce, making it a strong competitive advantage or barrier to entry.”   Since 2001 TF Consulting has been specialized in providing highly qualified services in various different high-tech sectors. Our work focuses on the development and introduction…

Ontologies automated

Implementation of automatable ontologies   Exemplary at the topic „Demand management, requirements engineering, project and product portfolio management including full cost and performance transparency“   Comprehensive competences The personnel employed for project work has several years of experience in the implementation of projects at companies in various domains, especially in complex large-scale projects, and is…