30th anniversary PhD

Doctoral thesis Physics   completed exactly 30 years ago at the Institute for Micro- & Information Technology of the Hahn Schickard Society on the topic: Dynamic behaviour of micromechanical structures – Finite Element Simulation for design support and its verification by measurements   Inaugural dissertation Inaugural dissertation for the acquisition of the doctorate of the Faculty…


3DEXPERIENCE Conference 2024 by Dassault Systèmes   At this year’s 3DEXPERIENCE® Conference in Munich, leading high-tech companies and emerging start-ups from various industries presented their data-driven products and services portfolio, as well as successful implementation concepts and their strategies for mastering the digital future. More than 900 customers and partners of Dassault Systèmes, including Accenture,…

FE-Modellierung resonanter Sensoren

Finite-Elemente-Modellierung frequenz-analoger Sensoren   HSG-IMIT Institut für Mikro- und Informationstechnik der Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft für Angewandte Forschung e.V. Villingen-Schwenningen   2.1 Einleitung 2.1.1 Funktionsprinzip resonanter Sensoren Das Prinzip eines resonanten Sensors beruht auf der Abhängigkeit der Eigenfrequenz des Resonators von einer äußeren physikalischen Größe (z.B. Druck, Kraft, Temperatur), indem der Spannungszustand beeinflußt oder die Trägheit des Resonators…

FE modeling of resonant sensors

Finite element modeling of frequency-analog sensors   HSG-IMIT Institute for Micro- and Information Technology of the Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft for Applied Research e.V. Villingen-Schwenningen     2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Functional principle of resonant sensors The principle of a resonant sensor is based on the dependence of the natural frequency of the resonator on an external physical variable…

50 years Unix

How I used Unix to get things done “UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity.” ~ Dennis Ritchie   Back in the days Dennis Ritchie – created the C programming language and, with long-time colleague Ken Thompson, the Unix operating system. Ken Thompson – an American pioneer of computer…

Hannover Industriemesse 2019

Wir freuen uns Sie auf der Weltleitmesse der Industrie @hannover_messe in Hannover zu treffen.   Nordrhein-Westfalen Gemeinschaftsstand   View this post on Instagram #CU @hannover_messe #NRW #H16/A10: #70+ #years #HannoverMesse #hanover #Industrie #Messe #HM18 #Hannover #international #Fair since #1947 #innovation #madeinGermany #innovative #manufacturing #worldwide #machinery #meets #algorithms #intelligent #Maschinenbau #digital #industrie #HMI18 #DigitalTransformation #DeinNRW #VisitNRW…

Causality in Science and Machine Learning

Causality in Science and Machine Learning   Aachen Machine Learning Network, November 28th at RWTH Aachen – Experts shared their experience, how to use new methods to explore causal structures from data. Sound methods for causal analysis are young and widely unknown: Prof. Dr. Jörg Breitung, University Cologne: “Causal Analysis in Empirical Economics – attribution of influencing…

Hannover Messe 2018

Wir freuen uns Sie auf der @hannover_messe zu treffen. “Die HANNOVER MESSE ist das weltweit wichtigste Technologie-Ereignis. Rund 6.500 Aussteller aus über 70 Ländern präsentieren auf der HANNOVER MESSE die maßgebenden Themen Industrieautomation, Energietechnologien, Antriebs- und Fluidtechnik, Mobilität, Zulieferung, Zukunftstechnologien und Nachwuchs. Die HANNOVER MESSE vereint verschiedene internationale Leitmessen unter einem Dach: Industrial Automation, Motion, Drive&Automation, DigitalFactory, Energy, Wind, ComVac,…