Data Mesh

CAIML meetup no. 26



The Cologne CAIML meetup took place on September 12, hosted and sponsored by  @TIMETOACTGROUP, with two presentations followed by a networking session. Special thanks for the excellent organization to Dr. Fabian Hadiji, Head of BI at Lotum




Data mesh in SMBS

by Marc Müller, Data Scientist and Cloud Enthusiast at PlatformX in Bonn.




Cologne AI and Machine Learning Meetup (#CAIML) in Köln



A big thank you to the speakers Alihan and Marc. You can find the corresponding slides here:


We would also like to thank TIMETOACT GROUP for their generous support. Our CAIML community relies on such awesome spnsors to make such events possible at no cost. Looking forward to seeing you at CAIML no. 27, November 7 in Cologne.



Cologne AI ML #23

Applying ML to challenging clinical data

Deep Learning Cologne

CERN vs. German Mittelstand

AI for social good

Current state of AI

Automated Data Science