Problem-solving workshop:

Future Skills for the DeepTech Industry 


“NRW is home to the medium-sized manufacturing industry, Mechanical engineering and plant technology, the automotive and supplier industry, and information and telecommunications corporations (ICT). Data science, i.e. data analysis, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), as well as industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cloud & edge computing (e.g. SaaS), web development, robotics and quantum computing (e.g. HPC) are some of the key technological and methodological capabilities that the industry wants to integrate into its future business in order to specifically increase its data-driven value creation.”



Problem solving workshop


ReDI School NRW, c/o Super7000 GmbH, Rather Str. 25, D-40476 Düsseldorf


Speaker & workshop facilitator

Dr.rer.nat Thomas Fabula, Founder & Owner of TF Consulting

Workshop topics

Common challenges in the contemporary ICT business

  • Finding the right skilled people
  • Innovation through Deep Tech

Delivering business value by

  1. Verification & Validation (V&V)
  2. Technical Due Diligence (TDD)
  3. Numerical Product & Process Simulation (e.g. FEM, CFD)
  4. Smart PLM methods – Product Development Process (i.e. PDP)
  5. End-to-End Business Processes (E2E)
  6. Automation by Algorithms (automated, metric-based)
  7. Smart data-driven Innovation


Interactive workshop

We discussed together how to deal with challenges in business as well as methods and ways of thinking to solve problems. In the second half of the workshop, we worked in small groups to define a practical industrial problem and outline suitable approaches to solving it.


Further Information




Participant feedback

Selected feedback from participants on “What was the best part of this event?

  • “Motivation and presentation”
  • “Chatting and the problem-solving discussions”
  • “To listen to the experience of the speaker”
  • “The speaker was knowledgeable and open-minded to the audience. He let us know how constant learning is key to staying competitive in the market”



“Thank you Thomas for offering this opportunity to our students at ReDI School NRW! It was engaging, they learnt a lot from your project examples and enjoyed exercises!” ~ Takuya Furukawa, Educational director at ReDI school of Digital Integration

Takuya Furukawa | ReDI school of Digital Integration, Düsseldorf

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