FE modeling of resonant sensors

Finite element modeling of frequency-analog sensors   HSG-IMIT Institute for Micro- and Information Technology of the Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft for Applied Research e.V., Villingen-Schwenningen     2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Functional principle of resonant sensors The principle of a resonant sensor is based on the dependence of the natural frequency of the resonator on an external physical variable…

Laser physics and MEMS applications

Deep Tech Physics and microsystems technology Looking back and ´conecting the dots´, we can state that the high-tech research fields such as laser physics and the highly integrated microsystems technology (MEMS), combined with the scientific mindset of the physicist, ensure successful work in the Deep Tech segment to develop sophisticated innovative solutions together with our…

30y anniversary of MEMS semiconductors

Piezoelectric Silicon Sensors & Actuators     HighTech experience that counts This project list contains a selection of projects that demonstrate our profound, long-term experience in product development and management of more complex technology projects in high-tech industries, namely in the areas of: Sensors & Actuators, MEMS & Semiconductor Manufacturing, including the semiconductor industry, as…

Air Quality-as-a-Service

Am 21. September 2017 fand der Kickoff-Workshop zum Ausgründungsvorhaben im Rotonda Business Club Köln statt. Unter der Leitung von Univ.-Professor (emeritus) Dr. Ulrich Trottenberg diskutierten wir in einer Expertenrunde unter Beteiligung von Prof. Dr. Andreas Wahner (FZ Jülich), Privatdozent Dr. Hendrik Elbern (RIU Köln) und weiteren wissenschaftlichen, sowie industriellen außer-universitären Fachleuten die Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen…

Sir Roger Penrose at University Bonn

Are we Seeing Signals from Before the Big Bang? Recent results from WMAP and Planck   University Bonn International Max-Planck Research School  23. November 2013 “Sir Roger Penrose, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford is a globally recognized mathematical physicist with outstanding contributions to mathematics, physics and neuroscience. Among his most recognizable contributions…

Resonant Microsensors

Invited paper “Sensors and Materials”   Special Issue : Resonant Microsensors   Paper Analytical and finite element modeling of resonant silicon microsensors Authors: Thomas Fabula and Stephanus Büttgenbach Year of publication: 1997 Volume: 9 Number: 8 Pagination: 501-519   Keywords beam-on-diaphragm, pressure sensor, electromechanical coupling factor, finite-element modeling, modal analysis, mode coupling, piezoelectric thin films, resonant…


Publications Papers in scientific & technical journals T. Brenner, S. Büttgenbach, T. Fabula, W. Rupprecht: „Real-time data acquisition system for laser and radiofrequency spectroscopy“, Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, 21 (1988) 1150-1153 Thomas Fabula: „Finite-Elemente-Modellierung in der Mikromechanik“, Mikroelektronik Bd. 6 (1992) Heft 1, Fachbeilage Mikroperipherik, S.II Th. Fabula, B. Schmidt: „Modellierung mikromechanischer Sensoren…