Sports and volunteering activities

Sporting and Volunteering Activities & Honors Voluntary activities and honors 2023 Rotary International 2nd Paul Harris Award 2021 Digital Communication @ Rotary E-Club Köln 2020 Rotary E-Club Köln 2017 Digital Communication RC Bonn 2016 Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow 2015 Rotaract Beauftragter RC Bonn 2014 Jugenddienst im RC Bonn 2013 Wirtschaft meets Sport @Boot Düsseldorf…

Rotary Paul Harris Award

Rotary International Paul Harris Award   In 2016, Thomas was honoured by the Rotary Club of Bonn with the Paul Harris Fellow Award for outstanding achievements in the Rotaract and youth sector. “Während Rotarier in Nordamerika und Asien die Ehrung hauptsächlich als Spenden-Stimulus ansehen und demgemäß fördern, so stellt sie in Europa eine Ehrung dar,…

Multi-disciplinary challenges

Managing multi-disciplinary challenges     In the workshop with the ReDI-School NRW team at @Startplatz in Düsseldorf, we dealt with the challenges that managers face every day. We focused on the problems and issues, which were backed up with concrete examples from everyday life in the course programme.   Venue The start-up incubator and accelerator…

Skills for Deep Tech

  Problem-solving workshop: Future Skills for the DeepTech Industry    “NRW is home to the medium-sized manufacturing industry, Mechanical engineering and plant technology, the automotive and supplier industry, and information and telecommunications corporations (ICT). Data science, i.e. data analysis, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), as well as industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cloud &…

Problem solving workshop

Future Skills for the DeepTech Industry   ReDI School is a non-profit school for locals, newcomers and underprivileged communities without access to digital education. Thanks to the support of more than 500 volunteers each year, we empower tech-interested learners by providing them with free courses in different digital topics and supporting them through soft skills…

How integration can succeed

Integration through Sport & Education   Project start In the beginning of the joint project of the AWO Kreisverband Bonn/Rhein-Sieg e.V. and the Olympic Taekwondo Club Bonn e.V. (OTC-Bonn) the financing was not on a solid basis and was therefore not secured in the long term. Due to repeatedly financing bottlenecks, TF Consulting got involved…

Olympic High-Performance-Teams

Mentoring Young Talents   “The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.” ~ Alexandra K. Trenfor 2000 Sydney Olympics Special pre-Olympic Training in Hankook-School Aachen with Grandmaster KIM Chul-Hwan and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dahmen (RWTH Aachen). Sydney Olympics 2000 2010 Singapore Youth Olympic Games OTC-Bonn e.V. with…

Turnaroundkongress 2019

Turnaroundkongress   Der 8. Turnaroundkongress im Steigenberger Grandhotel Petersberg stand am 27.-28. Juni 2019 unter dem Motto: „Mehr Möglichkeiten – wie Mittelständler und ihre Berater von präventivem Handeln profitieren“   Agenda Programm 2019 Dr. Rolf Hollander, Vorsitzender des Kuratoriums Neumüller Cewe Color Stiftung, referierte über die geglückte Transformation des Fotoservice-Spezialisten CEWE. Inspirierender #Talk von Dr.…