CAIML meetup TH Cologne

Applied Artificial Intelligence Technische Hochschule Köln   Around 50 participants came to the TH Cologne and we had an intellectually well-filled evening with two really exciting presentations that offered a lot of interesting information from the world of LLM and personalizing carousel ranking. Venue The CAIML #31 event took place at the Campus Südstadt at…

Large Language Models

Multi-agent systems & convex optimization   Venue The Cologne CAIML meetup no. 28 took place on January  23, hosted and sponsored by Scieneers GmbH with two presentations on large language models (LLM) and the well-established subsequent networking session. Launching @CologneAIML #CAIML no28 by @fabianhadiji at #scieneers GmbH in #Cologne #AI #ML #Ki #machineLearning —…

Maintenance Messe Dortmund

Leitmesse für industrielle Instandhaltung   “Die maintenance in Dortmund ist die führende Geschäftsplattform der Instandhaltung. Sie ist eine etablierte Bühne für Innovationen und Trends und zugleich ein hochkarätiges Informationszentrum der gesamten Branche. Mit ihrer umfangreichen Angebotspalette überzeugt die maintenance Unternehmen und Experten aus der Instandhaltung sowie Anwender aus allen relevanten Industriezweigen. Hier trifft sich jährlich…

Machine Learning in Industry

ML Operations and ML for Manufacturing   Virtual Meetup on May 14 with the following speakers: Simon Müller: insights into NEA-X‘s approach and use-cases on “Machine learning for manufacturing shop floors” Kevin Stumpf from San Francisco based startup Tecton and their approach on: “ML operations”   Speaker Bios ML for manufacturing “Simon Müller…

Digital competence through algorithms

InterScience Academy   With the foundation of the ‘Akademie für Algorithmik‘ by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Trottenberg and Priv.-Doz. Dr. Bernhard Thomas, we are able to access highly qualified algorithm experts at any time within the framework of our cooperation in order to meet the increasing demand from industrial companies, public authorities and service providers.  …