30th Cologne AI ML meetup

Anniversary edition at inovex GmbH


The thirtieth AI & ML Meetup has now taken place in the greater Cologne area. It has become a good tradition to organize these meetups at changing locations with partner companies who kindly take over the hosting and catering.

Venue & Agenda

CAIML No. 30 took place on May 14 at the Cologne branch of inovex GmbH with around 40 participants. We had a full program with two really exciting presentations:

Uncertainty Quantification …

Dr. Robin Senge – Head of Machine Learning at inovex GmbH:

“Uncertainty Quantification: Methods and Applications”

Potential of Foundation Model Agents …

Sven Giesselbach – Team Lead Natural Language Understanding at Fraunhofer IAIS:
“The Potential of Foundation Model Agents and the Need for Custom Small Language Models: A Case Study in the Emergency Trauma Room”

More information

New AI Community

New AI community “rhAInlandfounded for AI activities in Cologne, Bonn Düsseldorf, etc., based upon the Discord platform presented by Dr. Richard Sieg:


Here are some video impressions of the 30th Meetup, documenting the insightful presentations and lively discussions of the participants:

Dr. Fabian Hadiji

Announcement by Dr. Richard Sieg

Dr. Robin Senge

Sven Giesselbach



Thanks to the speakers Dr. Robin Senge and Sven Giesselbach. Also, to Dr. Richard Sieg, and the organizers Dr. Fabian Hadiji, Aaqib Parvez Mohammed and Marc Müller for organizing this great AI event.

Further information

CAIML aims to bring together people interested in AI and machine learning. For more information visit & join us:



Don’t miss the previous meetings of the CAIML community in Cologne:

Large Language Models

Cologne AI ML – Data mesh

Cologne AI ML #23

CERN vs. German Mittelstand

Deep Learning Cologne

Applying ML to challenging clinical data

Automated Data Science

Current state of AI

AI for social good