Multi-disciplinary challenges

Managing multi-disciplinary challenges     In the workshop with the ReDI-School NRW team at @Startplatz in Düsseldorf, we dealt with the challenges that managers face every day. We focused on the problems and issues, which were backed up with concrete examples from everyday life in the course programme.   Venue The start-up incubator and accelerator…

How integration can succeed

Integration through Sport & Education   Project start In the beginning of the joint project of the AWO Kreisverband Bonn/Rhein-Sieg e.V. and the Olympic Taekwondo Club Bonn e.V. (OTC-Bonn) the financing was not on a solid basis and was therefore not secured in the long term. Due to repeatedly financing bottlenecks, TF Consulting got involved…

Post Merger Integration

How integration succeeds For the merger of companies or business units to succeed, forward-looking planning of the post-merger integration is essential. Optimal preparation already starts in the M&A negotiation phase and requires, in particular, a detailed technical due diligence phase.   Strategic Portfolio Realignment Strategische Neuausrichtung Data/IP-Portfolio ICT Innovations Telekom Innovations Relaunch of Product Development…

Digital competence through algorithms

InterScience Academy   With the foundation of the ‘Akademie für Algorithmik‘ by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Trottenberg and Priv.-Doz. Dr. Bernhard Thomas, we are able to access highly qualified algorithm experts at any time within the framework of our cooperation in order to meet the increasing demand from industrial companies, public authorities and service providers.  …

Lernen und Weiterbildung

Bewährte Formen des Wissenserwerbs   Auf Initiative der AWO Bonn/Rhein-Sieg fand am 29. April 2019 im Rahmen der Integrationsangebote das Seminar “Spaß finden am Lernen, an neuen Dingen & der ständigen Weiterbildung” im Leistungszentrum Taekwondo des Olympiastützpunktes Rheinland in Bad Godesberg statt. Das Seminar richtete sich an Jugendliche und junge Migranten in Ausbildung und Studium…