Sports and volunteering activities

Sporting and Volunteering Activities & Honors Voluntary activities and honors 2023 Rotary International 2nd Paul Harris Award 2021 Digital Communication @ Rotary E-Club Köln 2020 Rotary E-Club Köln 2017 Digital Communication RC Bonn 2016 Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow 2015 Rotaract Beauftragter RC Bonn 2014 Jugenddienst im RC Bonn 2013 Wirtschaft meets Sport @Boot Düsseldorf…

Rotary Paul Harris Award

Rotary International Paul Harris Award   In 2016, Thomas was honoured by the Rotary Club of Bonn with the Paul Harris Fellow Award for outstanding achievements in the Rotaract and youth sector. “Während Rotarier in Nordamerika und Asien die Ehrung hauptsächlich als Spenden-Stimulus ansehen und demgemäß fördern, so stellt sie in Europa eine Ehrung dar,…

Multi-disciplinary challenges

Managing multi-disciplinary challenges     In the workshop with the ReDI-School NRW team at @Startplatz in Düsseldorf, we dealt with the challenges that managers face every day. We focused on the problems and issues, which were backed up with concrete examples from everyday life in the course programme.   Venue The start-up incubator and accelerator…

Olympic High-Performance-Teams

Mentoring Young Talents   “The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.” ~ Alexandra K. Trenfor 2000 Sydney Olympics Special pre-Olympic Training in Hankook-School Aachen with Grandmaster KIM Chul-Hwan and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dahmen (RWTH Aachen). Sydney Olympics 2000 2010 Singapore Youth Olympic Games OTC-Bonn e.V. with…

35+ years High-Performance-Teams

High-Performance-Teams Encouraging talents   Our heart beats for high-performance teams and have been encouraging young talents on their way to individual success for over four decades. Not everyone can become European or world champion, or even Olympic champion, but everyone can get the best out of themselves. To do that, you have to be an…

Mentoring Young Talents

… enabling kids for the(ir) future: Successful integration of multicultural young people “The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.” ~ Alexandra K. Trenfor   Vor über 40 Jahren Deutscher Jugend-Meister View this post on Instagram #1977 #otd #onthisday 40y ago: 1st #German #Taekwondo #championships…

Sommerfest der Kulturen

Sommerfest OTC-Bonn   Das letzte Sommerfest des OTC-Bonn fand in Zusammenarbeit mit der AWO am Samstag, den 27.08.2016 unter Teilnahme vieler Prominenter, Familienangehöriger und Freunde wieder in Pennenfeld statt.   Corporate Social Responsibility #TFConsult : our long-lasting corporate social responsibility Unser langjähriges Engagement gilt der nachhaltigen Nachwuchsarbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen im OTC – Olympic Taekwondo Club…

Ehrung durch Rotary

Paul Harris Fellows   Bei der Ämterübergabe im Rheinhotel Dreesen zeichnete Christian Scheiter, Präsident des RC Bonn, sieben rotarische Freunde für ihre Verdienste aus. Ehrungen Paul Harris Fellow mit Saphir: Dr. phil. Jochen Bartsch Dr. jur. Georg Wronka Carl Ludwig Sträter #Rotary #Bonn zahlreich vertreten bei Distriktkonferenz @Rotary: TOP-#Keynote @c_lindner, Dank an @RotaryDE #Siegen…

Olympic Trio for Rio

We support the German Olympic Taekwondo national team on their way to the Rio2016 Olympics   In 2000 the Korean martial art Taekwondo became an official discipline at the Summer Olympics in Sydney. Already then we supported and coached the German fighters, i.e. Faissal Ebnoutalib who became the first German Olympic silver medalist and Aziz Acharki…