Skills for Deep Tech

  Problem-solving workshop: Future Skills for the DeepTech Industry    “NRW is home to the medium-sized manufacturing industry, Mechanical engineering and plant technology, the automotive and supplier industry, and information and telecommunications corporations (ICT). Data science, i.e. data analysis, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), as well as industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cloud &…

Post Merger Integration

How integration succeeds For the merger of companies or business units to succeed, forward-looking planning of the post-merger integration is essential. Optimal preparation already starts in the M&A negotiation phase and requires, in particular, a detailed technical due diligence phase.   Strategic Portfolio Realignment Strategische Neuausrichtung Data/IP-Portfolio ICT Innovations Telekom Innovations Relaunch of Product Development…

Industrial Engineering Services

Industrial Engineering Services   Business strategy support The engineering planning office LEON was founded 1975 by Szabolcs Nagy in Klagenfurt (Austria) and established its excellence during the years as a well known partner in the chemistry, paper, pulp, cellulose and mechanical engineering industry. Today LEON Engineering is an experienced engineering office delivering 3D industrial plant…

SAP R/3 Outsourcing

Outsourcing der Geschäftsprozesse   Modellierung der E2E-Geschäftsprozesse TDN-basierter Systemlösungen für internationale Geschäftskunden Entwicklung SAP R/3 Prototyp für die Abbildung länderspezifischer Geschäftsprozesse und zugehöriger IT-Architektur Erarbeitung eines DV-technischen Betriebskonzeptes für konzernweiten Einsatz von SAP R/3 für die deutsche “Local Business Unit” im Konzernverbund eines internationalen Telco-Carriers  Koordinierung und Durchführung der Verhandlungen mit externem RZ-Dienstleister über Outsourcing-Modelle…

Collaboration with MATÁV

MATÁV Magyar Távközlési Rt. Budapest, Hungary   Scope “With reference to the cooperation between Global One and MATÁV we were pleased to discuss with Dr. Thomas Fabula IT strategy relevant topics and a closer collaboration between the IT organisations of the two companies. We have benefited from the detailed discussions with him and his experience…

European Local Business Units

Aufbau Global One   Strategie & Planung Dr. Thomas Fabula  war als Expert Strategy & Planning bei Information Communication Services (ICS) im Bereich Strategy / Planning / Controlling des Joint-Venture (JV) ATLAS von France Télécom S.A. und der Deutschen Telekom AG beschäftigt, aus der die spätere ATLAS Deutschland GmbH hervorging. Herr Dr. Fabula verantwortete u.a.…