How to manage products & services


Integration Produkte & Services

“Herr Dr. Thomas Fabula leitete die Gruppe TDN-Management, Produktintegration, Prozesse kommissarisch und war für die Konzeptionierung und Implementierung einer Vorgehensweise für die Integration von Produkten in Telekom Designed Network (TDN) verantwortlich.”


E2E-Business Prozesse

“Außerdem verantwortete er die Implementierung von neuen Produkten und Pilotprojekten in TDN und die Überführung in bestehende Regelprozesse, sowie die Optimierung der Prozesse Auftragsbearbeitung und Leistungserbringung.”



“Zusätzlich übernahm er erfolgreich die Aufgabe, ein internationales TDN-Team aufzubauen und die entsprechenden internationalen Aktivitäten zu konzeptionieren. Hervorzuheben ist die Leistung von Herrn Dr. Fabula, die Produkte Global Frame Relay, Global LAN-to-LAN, Global Internet und Global Intranet der Infonet Services Corporation, Inc. in das internationale TDN-Produktportfolio einschließlich aller erforderlichen Prozessregelungen und IT-Anpassungen in drei Monaten zu integrieren und die Vertriebsfreigabe zu erlangen.”



“In seinen Arbeitsergebnissen zeigen sich sein hohes fachliches Know-how und seine beruflichen Erfahrungen im Umfeld des Produkt- und Projektmanagements.”


Testimonial by: Michael Hartmann, Leiter TDN-Management, Deutsche Telekom AG, Zentrale Bonn


Dipl.-Ing. Elmar J. Sievers | Deutsche Telekom AG, Bonn

Internationalisierung E2E-Services

“We worked together on the internationalization of the Telekom-Designed-Networks (TDN) offering portfolio. Thomas´ task was to manage the end-to-end implementation of the individual order-to-bill processes for international data solutions.

We have proceeded successfully in an astonishing speed integrating the Frame Relay, ATM and IP-based services of an external global vendor.

I would like to thank Thomas for his valuable contributions during the international TDN launch, where he was responsible for coordination of the product management, sales support and technical service units.”


Testimonial by: Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Wittfeld, Head of TDN-International, Deutsche Telekom AG, Headquarters Bonn


Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Wittfeld | Deutsche Telekom AG, Headquarters Bonn


Integration Management


Integration Products & Services

“Dr. Thomas Fabula was acting head of the TDN Management, Product Integration, Processes group and was responsible for designing and implementing an approach for integrating products into Telekom Designed Network (TDN).”


E2E Business Processes

“He was also responsible for implementing new products and pilot projects in TDN and transferring them to existing regular processes, as well as optimizing the order processing and service delivery processes.”



“In addition, he successfully took on the task of setting up an international TDN team and conceptualizing the corresponding international activities. Dr. Fabula’s achievement in integrating the Global Frame Relay, Global LAN-to-LAN, Global Internet and Global Intranet products of Infonet Services Corporation, Inc. into the international TDN product portfolio, including all necessary process regulations and IT adjustments, in three months and obtaining sales approval, deserves special mention.”



“His work products demonstrate his high level of technical expertise and professional experience in the product and project management environment.”


Testimonial by: Michael Hartmann, Head of TDN Management, Deutsche Telekom AG, Headquarters Bonn


Michael Hartmann | Deutsche Telekom AG, Zentrale Bonn