Digital Business Models


On September 28, the XING Puls Digitalization event took place live on-site in the trendy Schanzenstraße district at the new Design Offices. In addition to three experienced speakers on the topic of “Digital Business Models”, networking and knowledge exchange in a relaxed atmosphere was the order of the day.


Design Offices Cologne, Schanzenstraße.



“Currently, companies are facing at least two daunting challenges. Cutting costs and creating new business models at the same time. For both issues, the key to success is very often digitalization. On the one hand, to automate its core business through digital transformation and, on the other hand, to create new services through digital innovation.

Neither of these are easy tasks, but they are core digital topics that need to be discussed. That’s why we have invited three top experts to give us a 15-minute impulse on this and then answer questions.

Digital business models, how does it work?’ – we clarify. In one evening, condensed and live.”



  • 18:15 h: Intro by the hosts Michael Podolski & Michael Dieter
  • 18:30 h: Claudius Hundt – Product Owner EnBW DataLab:
    “Was bei Digitalisierungs- und KI-Projekten alles schief gehen kann – Best-Of aus 10 Jahren”
  • 19:15 h: Yannic Metz – Geschäftsführer mantro product studio GmbH:
    “100 Tage nach dem Workshop. Von der Idee zum Produkt”
  • 20:00 h: Dr. Sebastian Baier – Managing Director, buynomics GmbH:
    “Productizing an innovation to digitize Fortune 500 companies”
  • 20:30 h: Networking




Claudius Hundt – EnBW DataLab

“What can go wrong in digitization and AI projects – Best-of from 10 years”


Yannic Metz – mantro product studio GmbH

“100 days after the workshop. From the idea to the product”


Dr. Sebastian Baier – buynomics GmbH

“Productizing an innovation to digitize Fortune 500 companies”




Digitalization Cologne #XINGeventsDesign Offices Schanzenstraße Köln, (C)opyright by Michael B. Dieter 


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