Künstliche Intelligenz
On October 1st the XING Community “Tech Düsseldorf” held an event on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is on everyone’s lips in the tech world and yet often just a marketing buzzword without any real understanding or real use case. That’s why we took a closer look at this future-determining topic at the XING Puls in Düsseldorf: “AI – What is that actually?”
Due to Corona, a vis-a-vis XING Pulse could take place on site for the first time in a long time. The spacious location design offices Fürst und Friedrich in Düsseldorf offered a suitable ambience for the impulse lectures and the mutual exchange during a relaxed networking evening.
- Introduction by Michael B. Dieter & Michael Podolski
- “Cognitive search and other language technology applications”
Dr. Sven Hartrumpf, Managing Director, semantic search engines, cognitive search, language comprehension, AI,
- “AI for industrial applications”
Dr.rer.nat. Thomas Fabula, Physicist, Founder & Owner of TF Consulting – Unternehmensberatung - “AI in the field of tension between efficiency and ethics”
Dace L. Luters-Thümmel, Secretary General, European Women Lawyers Association (EWLA), Kanzlei Law-DLT
After each 15-minute impulse presentation, a 15-minute round of Q&A and a 15-minute networking session followed.
A great event on artificial intelligence
“Three exciting lectures illuminated the topic of artificial intelligence from very different perspectives:
Dr. Sven Hartrumpf was the first speaker to introduce us to the application of cognitive search by means of vivid examples and his dry humor.
Then Dr. Thomas Fabula took over with industrial applications of AI. The lecture was peppered with practical hints and sources of information.
The round was concluded by Dace L. Luters-Thümmel, a lawyer specialized in EU law. She brought the question of efficiency vs. ethics in the field of AI to the event and gave a comprehensive overview of what is currently being discussed in legislation.” ~ Michael Podolski, Forum ´XING Puls Events´
Further information
XING Puls – Tech Düsseldorf
Looking forward to seeing you
Looking forward to seeing you at #XINGPuls #Digitalisierung #Köln & #Tech #Düsseldorf Online | #xMas Special #xing #online event.
Visit the event here: https://t.co/QtL7uBHQEE
— Thomas Fabula (@TFConsult) November 30, 2020
Best of Xing Puls Tech X-mas Special
Additional updates
#KMU: #Industrie40 und #industrie.lle #KI sind Stärken im Deutschen #Mittelstand https://t.co/hAXytyjO0M
— Thomas Fabula (@TFConsult) April 7, 2021