Mentoring Young Talents
“The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.” ~ Alexandra K. Trenfor
2000 Sydney Olympics
Special pre-Olympic Training in Hankook-School Aachen with Grandmaster KIM Chul-Hwan and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dahmen (RWTH Aachen).
2010 Singapore Youth Olympic Games
OTC-Bonn e.V. with Ibrahim Ahmadsei. Our Olympic Taekwondo Club Bonn is synonymous for successful youth work and lived integration through sports and education.
2012 London Olympics
Together with Theresa Tona (PNG) and Olympic-Coach Andy Rütten (Adelaide, Australia).
2016 Rio Olympics
Olympia-Stützpunkt Rheinland: Olympic Coach Aziz Acharki & Mokdad Ounis (DTU).
2020 Tokyo Olympics
(C)opyright 2021: Alexander Bachmann Taekwondo Team Tokyo
Walter Rotter | Walter Rotter Management & Sport Consulting, Weilrod
Diversity is the answer