Interim manager vs. temporary consultant
What exactly is Interim Management?
Our understanding of interim management combines short-term availability of management competence at management level with operational implementation strength and sustainable results. Our interim mandates usually range from a few months to about one and a half years.
When are we booked as interim managers?
Our Interim Manager role provides a strategic or operational management solution for companies facing significant challenges or changes and extensive transformation processes.
The advantages of Interim Management?
In our interim mandates, we provide our clients with a high degree of the necessary experience and at the same time implementation strength. As a rule, companies want our special technical knowledge, our methodological and/or management skills paired with external neutrality. This enables the commissioning company to successfully implement far-reaching changes and achieve operational effectiveness and measurable returns.
“We always deliver measurable values for our clients.”
Some of our interim mandates can be found here: