Post Merger Integration

How integration succeeds For the merger of companies or business units to succeed, forward-looking planning of the post-merger integration is essential. Optimal preparation already starts in the M&A negotiation phase and requires, in particular, a detailed technical due diligence phase.   Strategic Portfolio Realignment Strategische Neuausrichtung Data/IP-Portfolio ICT Innovations Telekom Innovations Relaunch of Product Development…

PM Procedure Models

Project management models   Individual project work at our clients usually requires a process model with client-specific adaptations. These cannot usually be adequately covered by standardized processes. We have designed various industry-specific PM models and successfully operationalized them in practice with different clients:   Industry-specific PM models Development of specific PM process models for the…

Interim Management

Interim manager vs. temporary consultant   What exactly is Interim Management? Our understanding of interim management combines short-term availability of management competence at management level with operational implementation strength and sustainable results. Our interim mandates usually range from a few months to about one and a half years.   When are we booked as interim…

Interdisciplinary Competencies

IntraSelect IP-VPN Product Roadmap   Interdisciplinary Competencies The TF Consulting personnel used for project work have several years of experience in implementing ICT projects at T-Systems in various domains, in particular also complex large projects, and is well-acquainted with the possible technical and planning risks. Through practical experience, methods and approaches were developed, which can…

Kabel New Media

Die Kabel New Media (KNM) berät führende Unternehmen und Marken in den Bereichen E-Business, Electronic Marketing und E-Commerce. Seit der Unternehmensgründung im Jahre 1993 hat sich KNM mit umfassendem New-Media- und Marketing-Know-how als eines der führenden Unternehmen in der New Economy etabliert. Seit Juni 1999 ist die KNM AG erfolgreich am Neuen Markt der Deutschen…

SAP Business Solutions

SAP Professional Software Services   Als Produktmanager im Konzern­geschäfts­feld Systemlösungen (KGF SL) verantwortete Dr. Thomas Fabula die Produktentwicklung im Fachbereich IT-Dienstleistungen. Im Rahmen der Vertriebs- und Produkt-Freigabe für Business Solutions und Business Operations erarbeitete er in Abstimmung mit den betroffenen Geschäftseinheiten, u.a. Technical Pre-Sales, Order Management, Delivery und Billing, die hierfür erforderlichen E2E-Geschäftsprozesse.   T-System Business…