PM Procedure Models

Project management models   Individual project work at our clients usually requires a process model with client-specific adaptations. These cannot usually be adequately covered by standardized processes. We have designed various industry-specific PM models and successfully operationalized them in practice with different clients:   Industry-specific PM models Development of specific PM process models for the…

Ontologies automated

Implementation of automatable ontologies   Exemplary at the topic „Demand management, requirements engineering, project and product portfolio management including full cost and performance transparency“   Comprehensive competences The personnel employed for project work has several years of experience in the implementation of projects at companies in various domains, especially in complex large-scale projects, and is…

Interim Management

Interim manager vs. temporary consultant   What exactly is Interim Management? Our understanding of interim management combines short-term availability of management competence at management level with operational implementation strength and sustainable results. Our interim mandates usually range from a few months to about one and a half years.   When are we booked as interim…


Kundenwünsche = Anforderungen? Das Anforderungsmanagement (Requirements Management) wird in Unternehmen unterschiedlich gehandhabt. In vielen Fällen wird das Anforderungsmanagement aus historischen Gründen isoliert betrieben. Meistens wird unter dem Thema Anforderungsmanagement nur die Sammlung und Abbildung von Anforderungen in einem Lastenheft verstanden, aus dem anschließend ein Pflichtenheft abgeleitet wird. Diese reduzierte Betrachtungsweise schränkt die Leistungsfähigkeit verfügbarer Lösungen…