CAIML #10 took place on January 14 at grandcentrix with talks and discussion on AI and machine learning.


A Field Report from an

IoT Solution Provider



Timon Schmelzer, Data Scientist at grandcentrix and former experimental particle physicist at CERN.

“I am used to dealing with large amounts of data. However, the everyday challenges for a data scientist at an end-to-end IoT solution provider are vastly different compared to those in academia. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, operates the largest experiment in the world, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

In the LHC, particles are accelerated to almost the speed of light in counter-rotating beams and then brought to collision at a frequency of 40 MHz. ML algorithms, in combination with statistical and visual validation of the results, are an essential part of the separation between signal and background events.

In the industry, especially in German SMEs, the challenges to gain insights from collected data often begin earlier and lie in a different dimension. This presentation compares these two scenarios and presents some of the lessons learned.”

Fabian launching 10th Cologne AI and ML (CAIML) meetup …


lessons learned by Timon Schmelzer

The Data Science pipeline


Further information

Join us at the next CAIML – Cologne AI ML meetup, march 17th


AI for social good

Current state of AI

Automated Data Science