Turning solutions into marketable products



Develop a common understanding of the framework conditions for the product launch at Deutsche Telekom Healthcare & Security Solutions GmbH (DTHS) to serve the healthcare mass market in cooperation with the units involved:

  • Telekom Deutschland GmbH (TD)
  • T-Systems International GmbH (TSI)
  • and third parties (suppliers)

taking into account the:

  • Business processes: PLM incl. product roadmap and control of IT releases
  • IT Systems: operational value chain in an end-to-end view

Allocation on the basis of the respective supply and service relationships (e.g. profitability analysis, cost unit, overhead costs, sales commission, network cost models, etc.)


“Healthcare-Lösungen für ein vernetztes Gesundheitswesen”


Focus on productisation

The workshop focused on the implementation of the product processes between the participating Telekom divisions and the interfaces.


Workshop goals

  • Identify concrete needs for action
  • Determine impact direction and possible approach
  • Determine necessary further steps


Workshop results

Presentation of the most important results to the management, i.e. Dr. Axel Wehmeier, Head of the Group’s Healthcare business area and Spokesman of the Board of Management at Deutsche Telekom Healthcare & Security Solutions GmbH.


Further information
