
Thomas Fabula

Die beiden Finalgegner in der Gewichtsklasse bis 60 kg liefern sich einen harten Kampf und das Glück des Tüchtigen ist dem damaligen Newcomer Thomas Fabula, Physikstudent an der Universität Bonn, hold: Er besiegt den amtierenden italienischen Europameister Raffaele Marchione vor frenetischen Fans in dessen Heimat und gewinnt das Finale 1982 klar nach Punkten.


Erfolgreiches NRW-Team

Das nordrhein-westfälische Taekwondo-Team mit NWTU-Präsident Werner Paties (†) und Richard Schulz (†), vierfacher Europameister, und Helmut Gaertner, beide Vize-Weltmeister 1979.

Europameister in Rom

Siegerehrung EM 1982 mit Marchione Raffaele (Doppel-Europameister 1980 und 1984) in Rom.


Leistungssport und Physik-Studium

Unmittelbar nach dem Gewinn der Goldmedaille absolvierte Thomas Fabula erfolgreich seine Vordiplom-Prüfung in Physik an der Universität Bonn.

Weitere Informationen


European Champion Taekwondo


The two opponents in the final in the weight category up to 60 kg deliver a tough fight and the luck of the brave is favored to the then newcomer Thomas Fabula, physics student from the University of Bonn: He defeats the reigning Italian European champion Raffaele Marchione in front of frenetic fans in his home country and wins the final 1982 clearly on points.

Successful North RhineWestphalia team

The North RhineWestphalia taekwondo team with NWTU President Werner Paties () and Richard Schulz (), fourtime European champion, and Helmut Gaertner, both 1979 World ViceChampions.


European Champion in Rome

Award ceremony for the 1982 European Championships in Marchione Raffaele (double European Champion in 1980 and 1984) in Rome.


Together with training colleagues in Bad Godesberg and Joachim C. Hey, Vice President of the German Taekwondo Union (DTU).

Competition sports and physics studies

Immediately after winning the gold medal, Thomas Fabula successfully passed his intermediate diploma in physics at the University of Bonn.


Further information



Certified by Werner Paties, president of NWTU e.V.



“Your sporting career can truly be described as outstanding. Your international successes have contributed significantly to the leading position of our federation at the European and global level. Your role model function as a prominent top athlete is of great value to our federation and our sport.” ~ Joachim C. Hey, Vice president & officer international affairs 

Joachim C. Hey | Deutsche Taekwondo Union e.V., München