Python Opensource Conference
Die PyConDE ist die größte Konferenz der Python-Community in Deutschland und fand diese Woche am ZKM in Karlsruhe statt.
Dieses Jahr trafen über 540 Python-Begeisterte, Entwickler und Data Scientists aus Deutschland und der ganzen Welt im Zentrum für Kunst & Medien ein, um Neues zu entdecken und sich über aktuelle und neue Bibliotheken, Werkzeuge, Anwendungen auszutauschen.
PyCon.DE 2018 in Karlsruhe
24. – 26. Oktober 2018
“PyCon.DE is where Pythonistas in Germany can meet to learn about new and upcoming Python libraries, tools, software and data science. We welcome all Python enthusiasts, programmers and data scientists from around the world to join us in Karlsruhe this year.”
“Join our Python open source community in Karlsruhe and visit the PySV assembly”
Python Software Verband
Die Mitgliederversammlung des Python Software Verbands e.V. fand am 25.10. statt, bei der der alte Vorstand bestätigt und wiedergewählt wurde:
- Dr.-Ing. Mike Müller, 1. Vorstand
- Prof. Martin Christen, 2. Vorstand
- Dr.rer.nat. Klaus Bremer, 1. Stellvertreter
- Max Jakob , 2. Stellvertreter
- Christian Theune, Vorstandsmitglied
Einladung zur #Mitgliederversammlung @PythonSV des #Python #Software Verband e.V. am 25. Oktober 2018 in #Karlsruhe @PyConDE gerade eingetroffen zum #TagderDeutschenEinheit #TDE2018 #DayofGermanUnity
Looking forward to seeing you at #ZKM | Zentrum für #Kunst und #Medien
— Thomas Fabula (@TFConsult) October 3, 2018
Lightning Talks
An jedem Tag der PyConDE fanden interessante Keynotes statt, den Auftakt machte Wes McKinney
Marvelous #Keynote @PyConDE by @wesmckinn #pyconde #pydata #python conference … #motivations
— Thomas Fabula (@TFConsult) October 25, 2018
… sowie kurzweilige 5-Minuten Lightning-Talks , hier mit Prof. Martin Christen:
Martin @MartinChristen from #PySV @PythonSV with his #LightningTalk @PyConDE #PyConDE #pyData #swiss #GeoPython 2019 in #Muttenz #ML #AI #MachineLearning come to #Switzerland #Schweiz
— Python SV e.V. (@PythonSV) October 25, 2018
#keynote of @EGouillart on #scikit image @PyConDE #pyConDE #pyData
@zkmkarlsruhe #python applied #ai #ml #ki
#keynote of @EGouillart on #scikit image @PyConDE #pyConDE #pyData @zkmkarlsruhe #python applied #ai #ml #ki
— Thomas Fabula (@TFConsult) October 26, 2018
PyConDE 2019 in Berlin
Weiterführende Informationen
PyConDE & PyData
The PyConDE is the biggest conference of the Python community in Germany and took place this week at the ZKM in Karlsruhe. This year more than 540 Python enthusiasts, developers and data scientists from Germany and around the world arrived at the Center for Art & Media to discover new things and exchange information about current and new libraries, tools and applications.
Python Software Association
The general meeting of the Python Software Verband e.V. took place on october 25th, where the old board was confirmed and re-elected:
- Dr.-Ing. Mike Müller, 1st Board Member
- Prof. Martin Christen, 2nd Board of Directors
- Dr.rer.nat. Klaus Bremer, 1st Deputy Chairman
- Max Jakob , 2nd Deputy Chairman
- Christian Theune, Member of the Executive Board
Lightning Talks
On every day of the PyConDE interesting keynotes took place, whereby Wes McKinney made the prelude. Entertaining 5-minute lightning talks rounded off the day’s programme, here with Prof. Martin Christen.