Meetup @startplatz in Cologne
Etwa 100 Teilnehmer waren am 7.12.2016 zum @blockchainCGN Meetup im @STARTPLATZ nach Köln gekommen, um den in der Bitcoin-Szene bekannten Keynote-Speaker Andreas M. Antonopoulos (@aantonop) zu hören.
“Thoughts on the future of money”
Andreas Antonopoulos @aantonop: Thoughts on the #future of money #bitcoin #blockchain @STARTPLATZ moderator @martchouk
— Thomas Fabula (@TFConsult) December 6, 2016
Disruptarian on stage in #Cologne #blockchain #meetup w @aantonop @martchouk @jan_wich @electrouncle @laepple
— Blockchain Cologne (@blockchainCGN) December 6, 2016
“This meetup group is to boost the information exchange for all kind of know-how about blockchain, decentralized ledger, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, bitcoin.
Our vibrant community of technology enthusiasts cordially invites you to join us in our endeavour to share knowledge and experience about this exciting new computing paradigm.
The group consists of seasoned professionals working in the space as well as complete novices, and everything in between. If you’re in the area and have an interest in cryptocurrencies or distributed ledgers there is no better place to learn together with like-minded people.” ~ Bitcoin & Blockchain Meetup Cologne
.@aantonop starts the talk at #bitcoin #meetup #cologne @blockchainCGN
— Andrei Martchouk (@martchouk) December 6, 2016
#Open #borderless #neutral #censorship-resistant … = #blockchain @aantonop
— Thomas Fabula (@TFConsult) December 6, 2016
#bitcoins = modern #Roman coins … borderless money @aantonop in #Cologne
— Thomas Fabula (@TFConsult) December 6, 2016
Over a 100 attendees for the #bitcoin #meetup from @blockchainCGN in @STARTPLATZ feat. guest star @aantonop
— Chevdor (@chevdor) December 7, 2016
Ein weiterer Höhepunkt des Abends war der Beitrag zum Projekt @Hyperledger von S. Matthew English (@smatthewenglish), der auch Co-Organizer des Hyperledger Meetups in Köln ist.
Introduction to HyperLedger by Matthew English
What is a #blockchain ? @smatthewenglish #bitcoin #meetup #cologne @STARTPLATZ #Köln #Koeln
— Thomas Fabula (@TFConsult) December 6, 2016
.@smatthewenglish start the introduction of @Hyperledger tech @blockchainCGN @chevdor
— Andrei Martchouk (@martchouk) December 6, 2016
#Hyperledger project overview: #blockchain #fabric #iroha #sawtoothLake by @smatthewenglish #bitcoin meetup #cologne
— Thomas Fabula (@TFConsult) December 6, 2016
Blockchain Application Verticals
In der Zusammenfassung von Trent McConaghy sind interessante Blockchain Anwendungen aufgeführt:
- Intellectual property (IP)
- Identity (ID)
- Finance
- Energy
- Supply chain
- Government
Order of blockchain adoption (my take):
-supply chain
-ID:personal data
-govt— Trent McConaghy (@trentmc0) December 6, 2016
TED talk Blockchain
TED Talk von Don Tapscott
“How the blockchain is changing money and business”
Informationen zum Kölner Meetup
Blockchain & Bitcoin Meetup Cologne @blockchainCGN