Organisation & Management

Deutsche Telekom AG


Study background

  • Starting point is the organizational chart of the DTAG Group with the holding company and its four pillars (or the respective shareholdings in Germany and abroad)
  • Focus of the project on the organization of activities within the Group or on management issues
  • Restriction to three of the four pillars: T-Com, T-Online, T-Systems, i.e. excluding T-Mobile

Technical content of the study

  1. Performance evaluation, method adopted for each organization
  2. Relations between business process and organization
  3. Adjustment of conflicts etc. among units
  4. “Wholesale” service, main customer, service line-up
  5. Profit and cost management in each service / unit
  6. How to be covered the entire domestic market


Divisions of Deutsche Telekom


Dipl.-Math. Dieter Elixmann | WIK-Consult GmbH, Bad Honnef


Further information