Hannover Messe 2021

#HM21 Digital Edition   Welcome to HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition “HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition is the leading knowledge and networking platform for the manufacturing, energy and logistics industries. From AI and robotics to automation technology, logistics IT and industrial software to batteries and fuel cells: Under the guiding theme “Industrial Transformation”, industry thought leaders present…

European GAIA-X initiative

The next generation European data infrastructure   The European GAIA-X project is dedicated to building a networked data infrastructure. The promise is high: data sovereignty, data availability and innovation. Always with a view from the European perspective and a blinking eye across the Atlantic. So much for the politicians’ vision! But what does this look…

Best of Xing Pulse Tech 2020

XING Puls Digitalisierung Köln & Tech Düsseldorf   Top 3 XING Puls Events 2020 Am 8. Dezember 2020 fand das Weihnachtsspecial der XING Puls – Digitalisierung Community Köln und Tech Community Düsseldorf in einer virtuellen Runde mit einem Weihnachtsspecial statt. Es wurden die drei Favoriten aus 2020 zum Themenwichteln eingeladen mit anschließenden Q&A-Diskussionsrunden und virtuellem…

Digital competence through algorithms

InterScience Academy   With the foundation of the ‘Akademie für Algorithmik‘ by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Trottenberg and Priv.-Doz. Dr. Bernhard Thomas, we are able to access highly qualified algorithm experts at any time within the framework of our cooperation in order to meet the increasing demand from industrial companies, public authorities and service providers.  …

50 years Unix

How I used Unix to get things done “UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity.” ~ Dennis Ritchie   Back in the days Dennis Ritchie – created the C programming language and, with long-time colleague Ken Thompson, the Unix operating system. Ken Thompson – an American pioneer of computer…

Industrial Process Improvement

Production optimization of interlinked machines   Baseline situation Measurement technology plays an important role in the increasing digitalization of industrial production. With the almost complete networking of plants and devices, a significantly higher degree of automation is achieved, accompanied by an increase in efficiency. In the manufacturing industry, this type of digitization is called “Industry…