IT Carve out

Advanced mechanical systems Innovation and Technology Development   Mechadyne was founded in 1984 as an independent development company serving the automotive industry; for the past twenty years it has focused on technologies for reducing emissions and improving fuel efficiency in internal combustion engines.    “Mechadyne International Ltd., based in Kirtlington Oxfordshire, was acquired by Rheinmetall…

Skills for Deep Tech

  Problem-solving workshop: Future Skills for the DeepTech Industry    “NRW is home to the medium-sized manufacturing industry, Mechanical engineering and plant technology, the automotive and supplier industry, and information and telecommunications corporations (ICT). Data science, i.e. data analysis, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), as well as industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cloud &…

Problem solving workshop

Future Skills for the DeepTech Industry   ReDI School is a non-profit school for locals, newcomers and underprivileged communities without access to digital education. Thanks to the support of more than 500 volunteers each year, we empower tech-interested learners by providing them with free courses in different digital topics and supporting them through soft skills…

40y anniversary European Champion

Europameister im Taekwondo   Vor 40 Jahren in Rom – Die beiden Finalgegner in der Gewichtsklasse bis 60 kg schenken sich nichts und das Glück des Tüchtigen ist dem damaligen Newcomer Thomas Fabula, Physikstudent aus Bonn, treu: Er besiegt den amtierenden italienischen Europameister Raffaele Marchione in seiner Heimat vor frenetischen Fans und gewinnt 1982 das…

PLM as a competitive advantage

Product Lifecycle Management   In today’s world, markets are moving increasingly faster, competition is intensifying enormously, and customers are demanding smart and intelligent products. For the manufacturing companies, the rapid development of innovative products and services is the key to securing their future existence on the market.   Global market influences While time-to-market is becoming…

Maintenance Messe Dortmund

Leitmesse für industrielle Instandhaltung   “Die maintenance in Dortmund ist die führende Geschäftsplattform der Instandhaltung. Sie ist eine etablierte Bühne für Innovationen und Trends und zugleich ein hochkarätiges Informationszentrum der gesamten Branche. Mit ihrer umfangreichen Angebotspalette überzeugt die maintenance Unternehmen und Experten aus der Instandhaltung sowie Anwender aus allen relevanten Industriezweigen. Hier trifft sich jährlich…

How integration can succeed

Integration through Sport & Education   Project start In the beginning of the joint project of the AWO Kreisverband Bonn/Rhein-Sieg e.V. and the Olympic Taekwondo Club Bonn e.V. (OTC-Bonn) the financing was not on a solid basis and was therefore not secured in the long term. Due to repeatedly financing bottlenecks, TF Consulting got involved…